Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I love dreams. I love waking up with an emotion that reflects on your dream. Well, waking up horrified and sweaty from a nightmare isn't a great feeling, but it's so interesting to me that your subconscious can do that to you.

When I took psychology last year, learning about dreams was my favorite thing ever. It fascinated me. I actually bought a dream interpretation book, and look up almost all of the dreams I have now to see what they mean. It helped me figure out a lot of the problems I had in my conscious life, that I really didn't know I had. It really helped me become less stressed and I had fun doing it, and still do.


Honestly, I have a lot of embarrassing stories that I really don't want to share. :)
But the most recent embarrassing thing that happened to me was at work when I lost the kid who I was supposed to be babysitting. I had to go out searching for him because he didn't listen to me. I had to call his mom and it was just horrible, I was so embarrassed.
"Hi, I lost your kid. Sorry.."


It's easy to make a list of things that scare you. I have a lot of common fears, just like the common person does. Spiders, heights, birds, clowns, zombies, etc. But when you really think about the emotional things that scare you, it gets slightly tougher to make a list. Whether you don't want to think about them, or you don't want to admit them, it's just more difficult. The biggest one I came up with was my weird fear of change. Why does that scare me so bad? Why wouldn't I want things to change especially if I am unhappy? It's an irrational fear in my opinion. And it's one I wouldn't want to put on my list, because maybe I am a little embarrassed by it.

I try not to think about it too much, but when something is different, I freak out. I just can't help it. I'm hoping that it is a fear I can learn to get over.


Facing your fears can sometimes seem impossible. It may take a lot to drive the courage out of you. Courage is about having the strength to fight your insecurities, pain or fears. It may be as simple as talking to someone new if you're shy, or standing up to a bully. There are more drastic acts of courage or bravery that you hear about on the news, where someone runs into a burning building to save a dog or jumps into a lake to save a drowning child. But no matter how big or small the act is, as long as you face your fears or pain you have been courageous.